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    "New store [Mazesoba PECOLI Main store]"

    페이지 정보

    작성자 ulFSM3
    댓글 댓글 0건   조회Hit 33회   작성일Date 24-11-18 14:41


    Is everyone having a good Golden Week? The weather is getting better, so it's perfect for playing the noodle slots ( ・∀・)←←←←This guy's no good lol Opening 4/28 (^o^)/ ●New store [Mazesoba PECOLI Main store] (2-15-17 Sanno, Nishinari-ku, Osaka) Points of this time ( ・∀・) There is a service where you can get extra rice and extra soup for free by saying a certain password! The password is "〇〇〇 onegaishimasu" 〇〇〇←I want to say it!! But I'll hold back here For more details, please see the official Instagram or ask the staff! If you follow us, you'll get some special benefits? !! That's the information, so please feel free to ask the store staff! It may only be a limited time for the opening celebration, so hurry up! By the way, I went to the slots yesterday for a bit, but I couldn't post any pictures so I'll post them next time (lol) Actually, the settings seemed pretty strict... I'll go and have a look today too! See you(*^ω^)ノ

    Is everyone having a good Golden Week? The weather is getting better, so it's perfect for playing the noodle slots ( ・∀・)←←←←This guy's no good lol Opening 4/28 (^o^)/ ●New store [Mazesoba PECOLI Main store] (2-15-17 Sanno, Nishinari-ku, Osaka) Points of this time ( ・∀・) There is a service where you can get extra rice and extra soup for free by saying a certain password! The password is "〇〇〇 onegaishimasu" 〇〇〇←I want to say it!! But I'll hold back here For more details, please see the official Instagram or ask the staff! If you follow us, you'll get some special benefits? !! That's the information, so please feel free to ask the store staff! It may only be a limited time for the opening celebration, so hurry up! By the way, I went to the slots yesterday for a bit, but I couldn't post any pictures so I'll post them next time (lol) Actually, the settings seemed pretty strict... I'll go and have a look today too! See you(*^ω^)ノ


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