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    Ryunosuke Blog No. 72

    페이지 정보

    작성자 ulUjQ3
    댓글 댓글 0건   조회Hit 27회   작성일Date 24-11-19 03:41


    Good evening and morning to everyone This is Ryunosuke Today is apparently "Pachislot Day" established by some industry group What is your favorite or favourite machine so far? For me, it's Fist of the North Star, which has earned me my highest number of coins, 17,000. Reincarnation remains as a very strong memory I miss the feeling of having a winning ball and then losing 20 times in a row and gradually losing. I also miss the time I got 10,000 coins from freezing after freezing on Fist of the Blue Sky. I used to play the original Madoka Magica a lot. I wonder if it will come out on SmaSlot. There are many new slot machines that I'm looking forward to, so please look forward to it. I wonder if it will come out based on your favorite. What is your favorite? Please tell me when you see me in the store. Chan-chan Now, here is the business information. Today, August 4th (Friday) Opening at 10:00 Entry lottery starts at 9:30 We look forward to seeing you.

    Good evening and morning to everyone This is Ryunosuke Today is apparently "Pachislot Day" established by some industry group What is your favorite or favourite machine so far? For me, it's Fist of the North Star, which has earned me my highest number of coins, 17,000. Reincarnation remains as a very strong memory I miss the feeling of having a winning ball and then losing 20 times in a row and gradually losing. I also miss the time I got 10,000 coins from freezing after freezing on Fist of the Blue Sky. I used to play the original Madoka Magica a lot. I wonder if it will come out on SmaSlot. There are many new slot machines that I'm looking forward to, so please look forward to it. I wonder if it will come out based on your favorite. What is your favorite? Please tell me when you see me in the store. Chan-chan Now, here is the business information. Today, August 4th (Friday) Opening at 10:00 Entry lottery starts at 9:30 We look forward to seeing you.


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