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    Korean Life Blog in Jeju Island ~ Yeosu ~ Jeju Island

    페이지 정보

    작성자 ulyfbk
    댓글 댓글 0건   조회Hit 27회   작성일Date 24-11-19 02:19


    A casual conversation between a Japanese-Korean couple who were born and raised in Seoul and have been living in Jeju Island for 12 years with their Korean husband, who is originally from Seoul... I live a relaxed life with my husband☺️ I teach Japanese and work as a tourist guide on Jeju Island For inquiries, please send me a message or comment...❣️

    A casual conversation between a Japanese-Korean couple who were born and raised in Seoul and have been living in Jeju Island for 12 years with their Korean husband, who is originally from Seoul... I live a relaxed life with my husband☺️ I teach Japanese and work as a tourist guide on Jeju Island For inquiries, please send me a message or comment...❣️


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